Frequently asked questions.

How do I add Subtitles to my film on FilmFreeway?

Well firstly you need to get the subtitles for your project from a site like, (were you can pay as little as £1 per minute for the duration of you film).

Then download the ‘.vtt’ file.

Then over on FilmFreeway head to your ‘Project File’ section and scroll down to where it says ‘Subtitles ad Captions’.

Below choose ‘English’ from the drop down menu and then upload your ‘.vtt’ file. The option of subtitles will automatically be added to your film above.

How does the British short film awards work?

We are first and foremost an awards, so we don’t screen the films submitted. Our judges and jury select the best films from the hundreds that are submitted to become finalists. Those finalists are then whittled down to our nominees, which then go forward to compete for the main prize.

Will my film be screened?

As we are primarily an awards show, we won’t screen your film. However, we hope to host screenings of selected films at some point in 2024, but those filmmakers will be contacted directly about that.

Who is on the jury?

Our jury will be announced as they are confirmed each year.

I was nominated in a category i didn’'t submit to, how come?

Sometimes a film is submitted that the judges deem so good that they are allowed to select it for more categories than just the ones it was submitted to.

When is the awards show and Can i come?

The exact date of the 2024 awards will be released nearer the time. If you are nominated for an award, you will receive an invitation to attend. We hope to have a venue big enough to allow more people to come but we won’t know until later in the year. All information will go out on our Instagram so keep your eye out on there!

I’m on the longlist, WHAT NEXT?

Well firstly congratulations! After the longlists are announced in September, the judges and jury get to work to select the projects that will go on to become nominees, those will then be the ones competing for the gold awards in November!

Can I buy an award?

If you’d like more winner’s awards for you or your team, you can purchase them via the website. These will be up after the event.

Any other questions?